How To Make A Low Bun On Medium Hair?
At the disposal of owners of hair of medium length a lot of various hairstyles and styling, but one of them does not lose popularity over the decades due to the simplicity of performance and beauty. This is a knot or roller located not at the top of the head, as has become fashionable in recent years, but at the bottom of the nape. How to make a low bun on medium hair, without resorting to using a hairdresser or girlfriends?
Table of Contents
ToggleTypes of low buns
The low bun will easily become the final link in a complex styling or self-sufficient hairstyle. With it, you can create an image of a femme fatale or an intelligent teacher, a strict office lady and a romantic young lady. Having added a knot with appropriate accessories and make-up, having chosen clothes and shoes, girls and women experiment in their pleasure, effortlessly changing styles according to their mood and mood. How to make a low bun on medium hair and what are the types of this popular hairstyle?
There are many ways, so here we give only the most common, including:
- from the “horse” tail;
- from hair twisted into flagella;
- from braid;
- from pre-curled curls or own curls;
- with the help of improvised accessories.
How to make a low bun on medium hair from a tail?
This method is suitable for owners of thick hair of any type. First, it is necessary to collect part of the hair (from the crown of the head, temples and above the forehead) into a loose tail, tied with an inconspicuous elastic band. Then the gum is a little down, gently straighten the hair above the place where they are intercepted by the elastic, and from the wrong side of the fingers pushing the strands, pushing the tail in the hole (from the outside to the inside). Then the same tail is combined with the rest of the hair and repeat the operation, again threading the big tail into the same hole as the small one. The hair is not fully pulled out; it turns out that the tail end is tucked inside, and the roller is left outside, as in the photo. The design must be secured with pins, stealth, and varnish.
Of flagella
The low bun on the middle hair of the flagella is made even easier than the previous version. It is necessary to make the tail on the back of the head and divide it into two equal parts. From each half it is necessary to make tight bundles, then they are wrapped one around the other in a circle, the center of which is the place where the tail is tied with a rubber band. Flagella must be secured with studs, clearly fixing each turn. Twisted strands easier to fix than smooth curls, and the knot will be better kept.
From braid
A low bun on medium hair can be made from braids, – by the same principle as from strands twisted into strands. This technique is good because you can use a variety of weaving to create braids, including French, volumetric and smooth, with fluffed, careless braids in the Greek style, a neat wreath around the head, with two or even three braids of medium length. Such a knot often crowns wedding and holiday hairstyles and looks truly elegant and elegant. The principle of creating a low kichka on the back of the head is the same: one, two, three or even five braids twist in a spiral and secured with pins into a tight or loose knot. It can be fixed with beautiful hairpins, lace or satin ribbons, other hair accessories.
Pre-Curled Curls
How to make a low bun on medium hair in such a way that it looks magnificent and holds on tightly, but at the same time the hairstyle did not look deliberately strict? The answer is simple: you must curl your hair in curvy curls or tight curls with a curling iron, forceps or heated hair rollers. Further, the curls can be divided into two parts: the occipital and the hair from the temples, sides, and crown. The hair on the back of your head is twisted into a tight bun with the help of elastic and hairpins, and then the hair from the top and side parts gently layered on them. The curls are wound evenly on the bun, fixing the hairpins, while not trying to pull them tight, but leaving the beautiful waves, curls, and spirals slightly free, emphasizing their naturalness. Lace hairpins, scarves and ribbons, ornaments with beads, large flowers, and other decorative elements will fit this haircut.
The step-by-step master class using a roller and elastic band
To create a low, but lush bundle, the owners of thick hair of medium length can be content only with the material with which mother-nature generously endowed them. What can be done to that girl whose hair is far from ideal and does not have an impressive density or volume? A simple and convenient accessory comes to the rescue – a roller in the form of a sponge or foam rubber circle, resembling a donut or donut. Rollers come in different sizes and colors, including natural and artificial hair. Such products may well replace chignon, the main thing is to choose the right shade. With the help of the roller, you can easily make a low volume bundle on thin or thin hair of medium length with your own hands. Let us analyze in steps the two most successful ways.
In the first embodiment, it is necessary to make the tail at the back of the head and pass it through the hole in the roller. Next, perform the following steps:
- The hair is evenly distributed over the entire surface of the round roller like a fan, trying to prevent the foam from shining through the strands.
- On top of a donut with straightened hair, a small elastic band is gently put on (like elastic bands from weaving sets), which fixes the hair under the bagel.
- The remaining “loose” ends are gently twisted with small strands of flagella and wrapped around the bottom of the tail, under the roller, securing each strand with a pin.
- The resulting lush and voluminous knot can be fixed with a large rubber band or with a special holder for tits with a mesh that is used by dancers, gymnasts, and ballet dancers. Also, the design can be slightly fluffed and tied with a beautiful bow, attach a hairpin with a flower or leave it as it is, sprinkled with varnish.
The second method is a bit more complicated, as it will require a certain skill. And yet, after several unsuccessful attempts, any girl can cope with this option of creating a low bun of medium length hair.
- In this case, only the tip of the tail is passed through the “hole from the donut”.
- The strands are gradually wound on a roller, gently pushing the hair with your fingers, as in the photo below.
- It is necessary to turn the roller itself, – slowly, in a circle, trying to keep the locks evenly over the entire surface.
- At the end of the process, the knot is fixed with pins, stealth, or other convenient accessories.
Image and style
Even the most ordinary bundle of medium-length hair can be made in at least two variations: strict and classical or deliberately negligent. In the first version, the hair is smoothly combed, its own curls are straightened, fixed with an elastic band and placed in a tight, ideally even knot. Disabled hair and strands are not allowed, the entire hairstyle is fixed by invisible hair spray or styling wax. Such a bundle is suitable for the image of a strict teacher, manager, office worker. It fits perfectly with classic suits, both trouser and with a skirt and dresses of a laconic cut and inconspicuous shades. If you add red lipstick, put on shoes with heels and grab a beautiful handbag, you will get the image of a vamp in a working role. It is worth changing the outfit to a cocktail dress,
Fluffy and careless low bun on medium hair in combination with fluffy braids, curly curls, knocked out of the hairstyle playful strands will fit the image in the boho style with its variegated flying fabrics and loose styles, ethnic ornaments and floral prints. For everyday style, your favorite jeans and shirts, sneakers or sneakers with a free coat or trench coat are enough, and for a romantic bow, choose gentle flowing blouses, long skirts or feminine dresses in vintage style.
Now you know how to make a low bun on medium hair with your own hands. However, such a hairstyle, no matter how beautiful it is in the photo, unfortunately, does not suit everyone. A low knot at the back of the head is the best option for tall and slender ladies; it will help to visually lengthen the short neck and give harmony to elongated, diamond-shaped, triangular faces. Chunky and full girls with medium-length hair are more suited to a high bun.